​How long will my pets grooming take?
Our small dogs are here usually 2-3 hours and larger are 3-4 hours. We like to take our time with each pup to ensure their visit at our salon is as stress free and enjoyable as possible!
​Should I shave my dog to help shedding?
No. Dogs that have double coats such as Golden Retrievers, Siberian Huskies and Labradors need their extra coat for insulation. Not only from the cold but from the heat. If shaved the coat will most likely not grow back the same and will cause your pup discomfort with anything other than mild weather. We highly recommend not shaving unless pet has health issues, is a senior and cant handle brushing or if your vet recommends it. Ask about our de-shed service.
How often should I get my pet groomed?
We usually say its great to have your pet groomed every 6-8 weeks. Not only for your pets health and hygiene but to keep them on a good schedule and routine as pets adapt very well to structure and routine.
After each pet is finished being groomed, dried, or had their nail trim done each table will be vacuumed, and then cleaned and disinfected with veterinary grade "256 Disinfectant". Areas around grooming tables will be vacuumed after each pet to ensure proper footing in the grooming areas and wiped down to ensure a sanitary environment.
What vaccines do you require?
We do recommend when ever your pet is around other pets having his parvo/distemper shots as well as kennel cough vaccination. Owners will need to verify that their dogs are in good health and have not been ill within the last 30 days.
Can I bring my own shampoo?
Absolutely! If your veterinarian has prescribed or suggested an alternate shampoo rather than our product line, we will gladly use it. Although our top rated Nature's Specialty product line is designed to promote a healthy coat and skin. We have many different shampoos and conditioners to sooth many different types of skin and coat. We have everything from hypo allergenic, Oatmeal shampoo, medicated with tea tree oil to our favorite the "Plum Silky" enriched with silk proteins and aloe! All of our special shampoos are included and no charge to upgrade or change!
​When should I bring my new puppy in?
We recommend bringing your puppy in right after his/her last set of puppy shots. Usually around 16 weeks of age.
We offer a "puppy package" for puppies 8 months and under to encourage an early foundation of grooming and handling. During the "puppy package" we introduce them to the bath, brushing/combing, nail trimmers and blow dryer, and trimming of their face, feet, and sanitary area. Since they will be groomed for life we like to make it a happy and positive experience.
Is it okay to shave my dog's coat in summer
Temperatures are soaring, your dog is panting, and there's dog hair all over the house. You might be thinking that a good, close shave could help cool your dog off while eliminating some of that furry mess. Well, think again. Many dogs should not be shaved at all, depending on their coat type. Shaving can actually have the opposite effect of what you intend and make your dog even hotter. Here are some insights on shaving your dog, and some steps you can take instead to keep your dog healthy in hot weather.
How to safely cool down your dog
Dogs cool down a lot differently than we do, and shaving really has no big impact on cooling them down. Dogs rely on panting to control most of their temperature regulation. They also rely on vasodilation (blood vessel expansion) to help them cool off, especially on their ears and face. When blood vessels expand, they bring the hot blood closer to the surface of the skin. Dogs also have merocrine sweat glands that function similarly to human sweat glands. However these are located only in a dogs paw pads, and they activate when the dog is hot to cool them down. Rather than shaving your dog, use these hot-weather grooming tips to help keep your pet comfortable.
Brush your dog's fur regularly. This eliminates dead hair, prevents matting, and allows for better air circulation in their coat.
Give your dog regular cool baths to keep them clean and free of pests.
Since your dogs cooling sweat glands are located on their feet, keeping their paws trimmed of excess fur can help the sweat evaporate and cool them off.
Groomers suggest it's also a good idea to keep a dogs'l legs and stomach trimmed of very long hair to enhance cooling.
Make sure your dog always has access to cool wather and shade, takes walks and exercises only during the coolest parts of the day, and is never left unattended in a vehicle, even for just a few minutes.